The Inner Wisdom Experiment Challenge

The Inner Wisdom Experiment

An Inspiring FREE 5-Day Challenge so You Can Connect to the Voice of Truth Inside You!

Join Celebrated Life Coach & Bestselling Author, Amy Ahlers, for 5 days to activate your Inner Wisdom, tune into your truth, and begin cultivating the courage to act on it! 

5 Days. 5 lessons. 5 Experiments. 5 ways to connect to your Inner Wisdom.

You have a voice of truth inside of you. A voice that is always whispering to you, sharing incredible wisdom and guidance. The question is...are you listening? 

Join us for 5 days of inspiration, guidance and community so you can align with your Inner Wisdom! 

  • Day 1: Activate your #1 Inner Wisdom communication channel so you can tune into her guidance 24/7 and be the calm in the storm. 
  • Day 2: Discover how taking 10 minutes to connect to your Inner Wisdom can change your daily life and amp up your happiness.  
  • Day 3: Explore a journaling exercise that will make you feel loved, seen and heard like never before. 
  • Day 4: Cultivate your courage with an Inner Wisdom Double Dog Dare.
  • Day 5: Video to celebrate our results of the Inner Wisdom Experiment!  

I’m Amy Ahlers, the Wake-Up Call Coach, your guide for the FREE Inner Wisdom Experiment. 

After over 18 years of life coaching experience, I've discovered that the KEY to happiness, peace, and meaning is developing a solid connection with your Inner Wisdom, the voice of truth inside you. 

Join me for this FREE 5-day experiment dedicated to cultivating your Inner Wisdom connection. 

Ready for the Inner Wisdom Experiment & Challenge?

I can't wait to help you activate and nurture your Inner Wisdom! 

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About Amy Ahlers

Amy Ahlers is the bestselling author of Big Fat Lies Women Tell Themselves and Reform Your Inner Mean Girl: 7 Steps to Stop Bullying Yourself & Start Loving Yourself. Amy is on a mission to STOP women from being so darn hard on themselves.  

She's been a Certified Life Coach for nearly two decades and is the creator of transformational programs such as Inner Mean Girl Reform School, Find Your Calling and Lift-Off Business Academy.  

Amy's been a featured keynote speaker on stages at places like Google and Oracle, on countless TV and radio shows and leads retreats for women around the world so they cultivate the courage to follow their Inner Wisdom.  

Most mornings you’ll find Amy doing a dance party with her husband and daughters with a pile of dirty dishes in the sink. She resides in the San Francisco Bay Area with her family and rescue mutt, Batman.